Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Second Thanksgiving Dinner

Since Braden and I were out of town in Maryland for Thanksgiving, tonight we had another one at home with Kevin's family. Kevin's sister came into town from Fort Worth for the occasion. Kevin's grandparents were able to come over too. Dinner was great. I'm happy we all got to get together.
The great Grandparent can't keep there eyes off of Braden. He's always the center of attention.
Memaw and Pepaw Rives (Braden's great-grandparents)
Memaw and Pepaw Duschamp (Braden's great-grandparents)

And we're off.... Maryland here we come

Braden's 1st plane ride was perfect. He slept the first half and played the second half. He got everyones attention by waving and smiling. He was so cute. We flew to Maryland to visit family for Thanksgiving. We left Kevin at home he had to work.

New York City

We went to New York City, Tuesday for the night, and drove all over. It was Braden first time there. He also got to ride in his first Taxi. We just hung out had some New York Pizza. And drove back to Maryland that night.

Time Sqaure

Maryland Science Center

There is a great Museum at the Inner Habor in Baltimore. We had so much fun. The kids loved it.

Me and Cal Ripkin
Braden and Cal Ripkin
Mommy and Braden
My cousin Will is drinking that water.

Rukert Terminals Corporation

My cousin Andy (by marriage), his family owns a company that unloads, loads and stores products for there costumers. Like.... salt, 18 wheeler cabs ect. He gave us a tour of the place. It was all very interesting.

Braden and I in front of a huge pile of salt.

Yum Yum!
The kids are taking some salt for a souvenir
The Boys. Andy and his son Will. Braden and my step-dad Terry

Beauitful Thanksgiving Morning

While in Maryland, we stayed at my cousin (2nd cousin) Lindsay's house. She lives on a working farm with horses and apple trees. It was great. The kids loved it.

Braden, my brother Jared and my little cousin ( my 3rd cousin) Will
My little sweetheart

Aunt Diana and Braden
Braden and I picked a few apples off the apple trees

Thanksgiving Day

We spent Thanksgiving Day in Pennsylvania, at my cousin Art's house. We had a great time until... Braden got sick, he got a bug that later we ALL ended up getting. We're still trying to get over it. My mom got so sick we had to take her to the hospital. She's doing better. While in the hospital she happened to find a doctor that knows all about her heart condition. We're very excited about this because no one really knows anything about it. I'm so Thankful.

My handsome man on Thanksgiving. Thank you grandma for the bib. It says Grandma's Little Gobbler.

These are my cousin Art's kids (3 girls on left) and Diana and Jared. Art and his wife have the 3 girls and a son on the way.
This is my cousin Art and Braden
Art with that beautiful bird
I got a picture of Braden clapping. He started clapping on the plane ride to Maryland.

Random Thanksgiving Pictures

The kids, my mom and Aunt Joyce
Thanksgiving Day
I love this picture. Braden things it's funny to take his socks off. He hates wearing them.
My cousin Eliza. This picture reminds me of Marilyn Monroe.
Braden and his apple basket.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Dewberry Farm and Anna's Birthday

My cousin Anna turned 9 this past week, and she wanted to have her party at the Dewberry Farm in Brookshire, Texas near Katy. A petting zoo, pig races, corn cannons, treasure search, corn maze, hay ride and Bar-B-Q. We had a great time.

Kevin and Braden pumping for water.
Braden's sifting for treasure
my little Turkey Braden with Grandma (my mom)

Dewberry Farm and Anna's Birthday part 2

Braden sitting in the middle of the flower garden. He wouldn't let go of that flower.
Kevin picked these himself, just for me.
Happy Lil Man
Braden loves his daddy
Here's Braden sleeping during the hay ride.

The Kiddos

I just wanted to share this picture, because all three kids looked cute and were looking at me at the same time. That doesn't happen very often. This is my little brother, he's 6, my little sister, she's 8. And of course Braden at 10 months. I love these kids so much!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Mommy's Little Helper

Braden loves to follow me around while I'm doing laundry. When I bring the basket into the living room to fold, so he decides he wants to help me, by pulling everything out. This is just a little example.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

10 Months Old

The Lil Man turned 10 months today!! Braden is growing so fast, too fast. I love watching him, seeing what he can do without me. It makes me sad because one day he won't need me anymore.

Now lets see, Braden is trying to walk more and more everyday, he has taking 3 full steps at one time. Exciting!! Of course I screamed so he stopped, he probably would of kept going. BAD MOMMY! We have a walker for him but he does seem interested in it he would rather do it on his own. He has 3 teeth and a couple on the way. The little stinker has been eating like a pig. He would rather eat off of mommy and daddy's plate before his own, his favorite food is Spaghetti. He has been talking a lot, all together he can say MAMA, DADA , MYMY for his uncle Michael, DADDY and KEY CA for Kitty Cat, and he can say HI. Braden knows what the word NO means, right now he's choosing to ignore us. He is the sweet little boy. He loves to give hugs and kisses. Braden can also, wave hello and goodbye. Where ever he is, most of the time he has a toy in hand. Braden has a truck, that every time he plays with it he makes the VROOM sound. He must of heard Kevin doing it. It's the funniest thing.

Braden has the cutest smile and laugh. I can't believe it's been 10 months already. Just 2 more months till ONE year old. We are having the time our lives